
Be The Light


If you take a mountain six miles high, six miles long and six miles wide, that’s the distance a bullock walks in a day. If a bird flies over that mountain once every hundred years with a silk scarf in its beak and brushes the top, the length of time it takes for the scarf to wear away the mountain is how long you and I have been doing this. ~Buddhist proverb~

Once upon a time, in the not so distant past, I was surviving one of my darkest days. I was in the depths of a personal crisis being pulled in a hundred different directions and exhausted to my breaking point. In the midst of the chaos, a beautiful woman was sent to me. I don’t mean in a cosmic sense…she was actually asked to come assist me with one of my countless duties that day. So there I was, completely haggard and scattered, unfit for a first impression…and there she was, a fresh faced glow in my haze. By the end of our meeting, she left me with a hug. An hour later, we realized our lives were intertwined.

Michelle is the founder of Be The Light, a clothing project here in Halifax. She recognized me after our meeting because we both are ambassadors of The Floatation Centre. (If you’re interested in that gem of a place, you may want to go here for an older post I did on them!) I know, I know…Halifax is a small city and the chance of our paths crossing is great…even if our initial encounter had absolutely nothing to do with the health/wellness/mindfulness community which we’re both a part of and love. Michelle captured my attention that day and, several weeks later at an event for TFC, we were able to have a proper visit. I had already owned one of her tanks and wanted to know more about her inspiration. So I asked.

“Michelle, tell me about Be The Light.”

Of course her response was of a deeply personal and meaningful story of inspiration which opened the way for a wonderfully connected and lengthy conversation and connection between us. What she admitted in our talk was that she still was a little bit unsure of what the message of Be The Light actually meant to her. And more interestingly, what it meant to others. It got me thinking….

Be The Light is a beautiful expression. And people are really drawn to it. But why? It’s quite fluid and has the capacity to convey all sorts of philosophies. But as I find myself in a huge point of transition, both in my personal and professional life, how does this message serve me? When I wear Michelle’s clothes, what am I subscribing to? The magnitude of the lessons that have been presented to me in the last year are almost too great to process. The simple message of Be The Light has stopped me in my tracks and caused a much needed pause. I had a revelation. And of course it was intricately woven with my most important awareness.

The beauty and mystery of connection.

It’s long been a fascination of mine. Intuition, instinct, sixth sense, or just plain biological pheromones…I don’t pretend to know what it is. When you meet someone and feel immediately interested in them…even if they’ve barely yet said a word. I don’t mean a romantic or lustful feeling. Not butterflies in the stomach but a throbbing in the sternum. There’s something about this person that makes you feel as if you want to know them more…as if you need to be close to them…as if you were placed in this exact moment just for them to find you…as if you both have done this before. Kismet. Serendipitous. A life teacher in your midst.

I believe I may have cultivated such connections on rare occasion. My world has within it the most beautiful and inspiring people who fill up my heart. Fulfill my interests. Stimulate my passions. Sustain my desires. They’ve been instrumental in keeping me upright on my life path and supporting me through moments when I didn’t know if I could take another step. Sometimes they’re aware of how important they are to me…and other times, they have unknowingly been a presence in passing who have maybe said the right thing, performed the right act, or appeared as an inspiring example. I ask myself daily what I’ve done to deserve such people in my life and often feel unworthy of some friendships. I’ve spent much time in reflection trying to understand the circumstances which brought them to me. Be The Light was my answer.
Be The Light, right now, is a way to authentic connection. When you seek your truth, when you are open and vulnerable, when you take the time to find yourself and you are grounded in who that is. When you stop seeking to impress, when you no longer place value in other’s judgments, when you clear your space of societal standards. When you get really, really quiet and really, really still…you find your unique light within. With an open heart and living in love, that’s able to shine through…and it becomes a beacon. A signal.

A guide for your soulmates to find you.

It’s a scary thing to be yourself…because first, you have to find out who that is…and who that is may continuously change and evolve. You have to deconstruct all the indoctrination of who you’ve been told you are. The labels and expectations placed on you. When we live in the roles which people have given us, our exposure to others we’re meant to learn from becomes limited. With faith and courage, our consciousness can expand and become open to more meaningful encounters. And that can only lead to a more enriched life. Why are we here? I have no clue. But I try to work hard to stay present and pay attention to the signs along the way. To those connections that are so rare but so important to explore.

In discussing the possibility of reincarnation with a dear friend, she said to me, “When we meet in the next lifetime, how will you know that it’s me?” And I said, “The same way I know that it’s you right now.” Because that’s how it feels…that maybe we’ve already done this a thousand times before. Or maybe we haven’t. But it’s a nice thought. That we carry a light within which draws us to each other for a greater purpose. For fulfillment…for knowledge…for advancement…for a better universal community.

Maybe Michelle was just a person I met that day. Or maybe she was meant to bring me this message. I’ll choose to believe the latter. Now go on and Be The Light. Do the whole “your vibe attracts your tribe” thing. Who knows what it will bring you.

In love…and light,


*Interested in what’s going on in the photo above? That’s me with one of my karmic loves playing with triangle pose to make the Be The Light logo just before a great class at On The Mat. They also carry Be The Light apparel there! I would recommend heading over for some yoga and a Be The Light piece of your own. 

…If You Were With Us Today.

“Happy Birthday!”

…is what I would say if you were with us today. I wonder how that would have felt. I wonder how the day would go. Would you play your guitar and write a song? Would you stuff your pipe and sit back in your chair? Would I bring my family to visit and eat cake? It’s silly, isn’t it? Questioning what may have been? What could have been had you not gone so soon? I’m reminded today that a birthday is a celebration of life and that you have had four decades of that. Less than some…but more than others. Lots of time to touch many and have an impact, anyway. In all honesty…it plain sucks to grasp at your memory. When really I only have photos and retold stories combined with the remembrance of the feeling of your shaving cream…the sound of a table full of people playing cards…the expressions on you face…the nice nurses who gave me Bandaids to wear and decorated them with happy faces….

….such a brief time together, hey?

It’s ok. Who knows what our relationship would have turned into. I’m sure it would be nothing like the birthday celebration I dreamed for you today. Plus…today, I didn’t give you a gift…I just re-opened the one you give me every day. The gift of gratitude for impermanence. The acute awareness that nothing is guaranteed beyond this moment. That change is inevitable. That life deserves to be examined and self discovery to be practiced. To question the conventional, to have courage to look for a purpose and not to fall victim to facing every decision with the the thought, “What do others think and how am I going to feel about this when I’m 80?” Because that’s the inside joke we share. It could all be over tomorrow. Without that knowledge, I would lack deeply meaningful and substantial joy from the blessing of presence. Examining your passing has lifted a veil to reveal such beauty in the simple things.

You may be gone, and I may always romanticize what knowing you may have been…but I still carry you with me…in the cells of my body and the complexities of my being. I thank you for this abundant life that you are partially responsible for. I know it was created with intent and love and I will do my best to see that those qualities shape my purpose. Intent & love. Beautiful.

Happy birthday, Dad.

Expectation vs. Appreciation

~ The Mind ~

The mind is a marvellous tool. It takes in a small fraction of the information around us, turns it into thoughts that can fit into our rational way of understanding the world, and then it gives us suggestions on action. The mind serves a purpose…which is why it can’t simply be “turned off”. The labels it gives to us and to the things around us is a primal way of aiding in survival. It says things like, “Hey…look at that fire. Remember the last time you got too close to a flame? That’s right. You got burned and it hurt really badly for a long, long time. Better stay back.”

This is good. This is helpful information. But somewhere along the way…when labelling becomes judging and past experience becomes the gold-standard for future events…we hit a tipping point. The mind is no longer a tool…the mind becomes our identity. If we label ourselves, other people and the space around us, it creates false predictability which makes us feel safe. But what happens when we find out that nothing is actually perfectly predictable? Queue disappointment.


Sure…when there’s an actual fire nearby, it’s great that our mind creates an expectation of a painful burn to keep our hand away from the heat. This is healthy. What’s not as healthy is when we let our mind create expectation with personal relationships or new experiences. When we make ourselves the centre of our own reality show. How a partner should be acting to fit into the way you view yourself or your values. How material possessions should reflect all of the hard work you’ve done to acquire them. How a vacation should be filled with optimal weather because…hey, you planned all of your holiday activities based on the fact that it’s August, goddammit and it sure as hell should be hot and sunny!!

BUT…what if it rains every single day of the week you’ve booked off? What if  your partner didn’t charm the pants off everybody at your Christmas party? What if the car you decided to lease doesn’t necessarily tell everyone that you completed your Masters of Impressiveness and you now make six figures a year? Wow…all of those things could be really disappointing if you expected results that didn’t actually happen.

~”I Cannot Control the Actions of Others…”~

I believe we all like to think we’re actually aware of this but we all fall into the disappointment trap from time to time (myself included). Whether it’s leaving a movie theatre bummed because all the funny parts of the film were shown in the trailer…or struggling with feelings of resentment for a friend who forgot your birthday even though you threw her a surprise celebration for her last milestone…or showing up to a hotel room to discover that it’s simply a dull version of the fancy photo you were looking at when you booked it online.

Expectation even bleeds into the mundane. The day-to-day way of living that many people are skimming the surface of. Wake up, expect the average day to be a certain way, get thrown a curve ball, become angry/sad/annoyed/disheartened/hurt…

…etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.

Because things may not always go the way our previous experience has prepared us for. Expectation can become a thief who lives within us and robs us of small joys. It assures you that everything is status quo and it has all of the answers. It gives you permission to go on auto pilot. You don’t even realize that you’re missing beauty until something not-so-routine intervenes. Maybe you lose your job and, thereby your financial security. Maybe your best friend, the one who always seemed to be around for everything, moves away. Or maybe a loved-one passes…and you drown in the feeling of wanting to give anything up just to sit in one last “mundane” moment with them. Nothing is ever guaranteed. We know this. But how do we flip the auto pilot off? What’s powerful enough to replace expectation?


When we acknowledge that the mind is simply a tool and is not who we are…that it is only our ego…then we can treat it as such. My friend likes to call the mind a “suggestion box”. I love that. Watch thoughts come in and choose whether or not they serve you and the moment you’re in. When you’re engaging in connection with another person, instead of allowing the mind to tell you how that person presents themselves…whether in the way they look, or sound or in the way you suspect their intentions may be placed…instead just allow them to be. In an experience you’re having (especially a brand new one) try not to allow memories of the past taint the new moment. And maybe even most importantly…in everyday practice…driving to work, getting your children ready for school, greeting your partner at the end of the day, making your dinner, engaging with your boss, walking your dog, choosing which article to read or which Netflix show to binge-watch….do it with gratitude,  with appreciation, with mindfulness.

Do it all with intention. Be an observer. Let it all be as it is…in all its perfection. Because it all is. Perfection. There is no flaw, no mistake, no “bad decision”. We all see the world differently…because we all have our own unique exquisite filing system of experience in our individual minds. Beyond that, is the deeper self…the one who is more connected to every one and every experience than I think we realize.

Sometimes our mind is really telling us to keep our physical hand out of the actual flame. But sometimes it’s protecting us from a metaphorical fire. Something that may have “burned” us in the past…but may not predictably do so in the present. A person who may remind us of an unsure time in our life may actually be a pillar…a place filled with bad history may now be a sanctuary…something we’ve tried before and failed at may very well be a new strength. I’ve reevaluated my “mistakes” and been overjoyed in what doors they’ve opened. It’s like waking up one day and realizing that all of the cheesy inspirational quotes you’ve ever read somehow now truly make sense.

An awakening.

Be open to that.

Not to discredit the mind. Simply encouraging an empowerment of intuition. Believe in the feeling that doesn’t always make the most sense.

That’s the Me I want to know.

That’s the You I want to meet.

~In Love, Alicia xx~